"Titanic" is a historical fiction love story that follows the journey of Chyanne Fate, a young American socialite, and her lover, William Longford, on the ill-fated Titanic. Chyanne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fate, and her siblings, Victoria and William, also play important roles in the story.
Chyanne and William fall in love on the Titanic despite their different social statuses, but their happiness is short-lived when the ship hits an iceberg and begins to sink. Chyanne, William, and many of their fellow passengers fight for survival in the chaos and tragedy that ensues.
Throughout the story, Chyanne's family members also experience their own struggles and lessons about the importance of family, sticking together, and persevering through difficult times. The story explores themes of love, tragedy, hope, social class differences, and the resilience of the human spirit.