Planet Earth, home of the human race. On this planet eighty percent of the population have abilities known as Quirks, powers that develop at a young age in everyone. Through the advent of Quirks, for the last eighty years Humanity has been protected by Professional Superheroes from those who wish to use their Quirks to wreak havoc on society, those individuals being dubbed Super Villains. However Humanity had forgot that long before the advent of Quirks, their planet already had a hero, one that appeared in the year 2011. Benjamin Kirby Tennyson the wielder of the Omnitrix, a device that allows the wearer to turn into countless aliens with the DNA samples stored within it. From the ages of ten to sixteen he become revered throughout the galaxy as the universe's greatest Hero for helping prevent countless conflicts between alien races and protecting his home planet of earth. However he disappeared not long after Quirks and professional heroes began to pop up, continuing his work in space. However now in the modern age of heroes, aliens have once again return to planet earth, some peaceful, others however are hostile, wishing to exterminate humanity before Quirks can infect their races species as well. At the center of this extraterrestrial conflict is Dustin Shield, a Quirkless boy who just so happens to be the grandson of Ben Tennyson. Given the Neo Omnitrix by his grandfather, Dustin must work in secret to insure peace between humanity and alien kind! Despite never striving to be a hero, Dustin must help fight off threats from earth and space all while keeping his identity a secret! Now eighty years after his grandfather's time, once again it's Hero Time!
MHA belongs to Kohei Horikoshi and Studio Bones, Ben 10 belongs to Duncan Rouleau and Cartoon Network, I own my OCs. This story is co-written with KLigers98.
After defeating Vilgax the Conquerer, Izuku Midoriya continues on his journey to master the secrets of the Omnitrix and become the next No.1 hero in the world. He'll have to face off against his entire class when it comes time for the UA Sports Festival.
DISCLAIMER! I do not own any of the characters used or referenced here. Ben 10 and all respective characters belong to Cartoon Network and Man of Action. My Hero Academia belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi. Please support the official release and I hope you enjoy!