In the heart of a grand empire lies a tale of unrequited love and the weight of history. "Whisper of the Palace" follows the journey of Zareh, an ordinary servant girl in the Imperial Palace, whose life becomes intertwined with that of the brooding Emperor, Claude de alger Obleia.
Zareh, with her gentle demeanor and quiet grace, has always blended into the background of the bustling palace life. But her world shifts when she caught a glimpse of the Emperor, a man burdened by the weight of his ancestors' deeds and the responsibilities of ruling an empire.
From the shadows, Zareh admires the Emperor, drawn to his enigmatic presence and the sadness that seems to shroud him. Despite knowing the impossibility of their love, she finds herself captivated by his beauty and sense of leadership, cherishing stolen glances and fleeting moments of interaction.
Meanwhile, Claude remains haunted by the ghosts of his past, unable to escape the shadow of his late lover. As he grapples with the demands of his position, he finds solace in Zareh's quiet companionship, unaware of the depth of her affection.