‼️‼️WORK IN PROGRESS‼️‼️ This story follows two main characters, the point of view will change every chapter. One of the main characters is Jaya Kaur. Jaya (most of her friends just call her Jay) is an Indian American girl, she's fairly popular and well liked girl at her school. She's well known to have a happy gung-ho personality and is mostly seen jumping around or just generally being energetic. Some would describe her as annoying and loud but others say that they like her personality. She's a bit athletic, jumping from sport to sport but for the most part she's at the gym. The other main character is Leo Robinson. Most people are annoyed by Leo because of how cocky he can be about his high GPA and advanced knowledge. Leo is known to be the smartest boy in school, he does chess club, mathletes and concert/marching band. He's perceived as very pretentious and rude by mostly everyone because he has a tendency to look down upon everyone "under" him. Nobody really understands why he's like this but, for the most part people try to tolerate him because he gives his friends answers. Jaya thinks Leo is annoying and stuck up. Leo thinks Jaya is a complete bimbo. How could things change so fast for them?