I never had given the thought that things would change. The news of change always made me cringe. It is a word that I refuse to accept. I remember the day when my best friend told me she was moving. My throat dried up leaving me without breath. My head was locked into despair. My stomach tightened. When my eyes shut, they did not cease from creating tears till I slowly fell asleep. I will never forget that day, and how it changed my life. How it changed me. All my plans for the happy high school experience faded away with her. I started to shut people out. At first I was fragile. Then I became angry. And from my mind, I didn't want to make new friends. I just wanted things to go back to the way they were. But my stubbornness slowly fell away. I made new friends. And things got better. I never thought that the boy that I thought I loved would change. Would shut me out and forget the memories that we shared. That he would forget me. That he would reject me. That he would avoid the opportunities to see me. I didn't understand. Why would the two people that I care about be out of my life? Why did things have to ... Change? As the years passed, I found that time heals. It was the relief that I craved. I found someone new. Someone who I'll get to know better. Someone who can change me for the better. That person who will listen to me. Who will watch Star Wars with me while I lean my head on his shoulder. As he rests his head on mine. Who will make handshakes with me. Who will laugh with me, and be clumsy and just ...smile with me. Change is a lesson that time teaches us. We can't live with or without it. God has showed me that change is for the better.All Rights Reserved