Dear reader, This is a political drama which draws inspiration from events which have taken place in the United Kingdom. As you turn the pages of this book you therefore may be reminded of particular events, in the news or possibly your own life. Hopefully some of these will bring happy memories to return to the surface of your mind. But it is entirely possible, nay likely, that some memories may not be so cheery. I therefore hope that undue distress is not caused as you read the tale I am crafting. As I write this I currently only have the prologue in mind but have promised to myself that I will not censor myself in respect of describing events particularly as I am still discovering my own narrative style and may write things that cause upset. I therefore apologise if that occurs but also warn that because of the nature of some of the events that follow in these pages, this may or may not be the book for you. With that said, I hope that some of you are not dissuaded reading on......All Rights Reserved
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