"Maybe I am evil." "Maybe I do have another side of me, a dark side, a side I refuse to let take over me." "Maybe I am dark." I thought, while sitting in my room; listening to my music. I mean I've always liked dark things', things', like vampires', werewolves', H.P. Love Craft, Edgar Alan Poe, & so on. When Diana Nightshade finds out she is a vampire, she is excited, yet scared; because of her new magical abilities' & gifts', &; the fact, she will outlive all of her friends' & family, as, she is now an Immortal Being, & on top of that; Diana is Mentally Disabled; so, she only has very few friends', that she trusts. When a new College Student, called Darque (Dark) comes into The Town of Springfield, Missouri; Diana is immediately smitten, as Darque is everything any girl would want. Darque is wealthy, well-built, handsome, & incredibly perfect, according to everyone; including Diana. When she gets to know Darque better, Diana figures out, he's just like her. Can Darque help Diana with her new powers', as a vampire, &; most importantly, can he help her "master" her emotions', when it comes to her Mental Disabilities'? Will Diana let Darque into her life, as he can help her, or not?