It's that time of the year, the time when the basketball team start tournaments and get competitive.
It wasn't long ago when Hirano Taiga started to consider having 'romantic feelings' for his roommate, so of course Hirano, wanted to be supportive for his beloved roommate, therefore he dropped him off to the gym Kagiura Akira's team will be playing at.
It's early in the evening, yet the sky is already filled with stars and a bright glimmering moon, however, unfortunately there was rain earlier too.
Just as Hirano was about to go back after dropping off his roommate, he felt the moment of realization, he turned around to see his roommate already had his back turned and was about to enter the gym, Hirano took a second to process his feelings, 'I feel like something is missing..?', The blonde figure wondered as he held on tight to his jacket in the middle of the carpark .
He ran as fast as he could to Kagiura, but he still couldn't get the words 'I love you.' out..