Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd, two ambitious professionals with a passion for their work, find themselves unexpectedly drawn to each other during a vacation with their recently-dumped best friends. Despite their busy lives and demanding careers, they manage to carve out a blissful two weeks together on an island, filled with romance, adventure, and the promise of something more. But as the vacation comes to an end, the question lingers: can their connection survive the pressures of their hectic lives and the distance between them? With a promise to meet again on the same island a year later, they part ways, unsure of what the future holds. As the months pass, Meredith and Derek navigate their separate lives, facing challenges and opportunities that threaten to pull them apart. But the memory of their time together remains strong, and they each find themselves counting down the days until they can reunite on the island once again. Will their love story have a happy ending, or will the tides of fate sweep them away from each other forever? Written by: Derek&Meredithloveeachother on the topic "Surgical Language" at Tapatalk in 2009. Link to original story: To the original writer of this story I've reposted, shoot me a private message or an e-mail at if you wish to have it removed. And to all readers, have fun reading! Xx, rei - @mdgreyshepAll Rights Reserved
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