Casey Blue's mother is dead. Years after the murder of Isabella Blue, she finds out who the killer is: her own brother. Casey's brother Jacob had left her and her father's home weeks after Isabella's death, but they had not expected that he would kill their mother and wife. But there were notes. These notes were the ways that Casey Blue, a normal teenage girl, an aspiring artist, and also: a wanted sister by her brother, finds out how her brother pulled off the undesirable murder, and what he did to get to where he is now. But Casey doesn't care for her own safety: she cares for the avenging of her mother's death. Only she and her best friend can solve the case, with no clues or evidence of Isabella Blue's death but ratty scraps of paper with scribbles on them. Nothing but that. How do you do that? Ask Casey. The brave girl that is on her own journey of hope and desire. But can she do it without messing up her good-natured identity? "We are together. You are mine. And always mine."