Tom had gone to bed late the night before, working on an upcoming movie he was doing. When he was awoken to what sounded like a couple boys grumbling, he knew something was wrong. Opening his eyes, he was the first to rush to the restroom, where his worst nightmare came true. He saw a head of blonde like he hadnt seen in years, and he was wearing a Slytherin tie.
Draco Malfoy had gone to bed late the night before, staying up to study potions and ancient runes. When he's awoken to the sound of a dog in his room, his eyes snap open. This wasnt his dorm. He found his way to the restroom, where his hair was brown instead of the platinum blonde he had always seen. His wand nowhere in sight, he was completely helpless. Where was he, and how would he get back to Hogwarts?
This is a fanfiction where Draco Malfoy and Tom Felton switch lives. Nobody knows how, but they are determined to figure it out. If they can, that is.