22 części Opowieść Zakończona Dla dorosłychHigh school Juniors Claire Mason and Sophie Wood are on completely different sides of their high school's social latter.
Sophie's nice, energetic, and can't handle the mere idea of not being liked; whereas Claire is intimidating, quiet, and somewhat emotionally closed off to those who don't know her. The two spend all their time hanging out with friends, reading, or partaking in actives that have never once involved thinking of each other as more than "another random girl who attends Mayfield High". However, when Claire's parents hire Sophie so a "fresh and pretty face" can work the front counter at the Barnes and Nobles they own, Sophie decides she HAS to get Claire- who has always been hidden in the shadows of all three of her siblings, to be her friend; cluelessly unaware her relentless persistence may lead to more...