A developing streaming series that centers on a fictional Japanese fighting game franchise called Final Defeat [Top Notch or 'Toppu Nachu' in Japan] and two devoted gamers, Jam and Lip. In this particular arc: Jam finds out that an online bully that he humiliated years ago in a high stake game of Final Defeat turns out to be his tyrannical boss. Meanwhile Lip is finishing the final days of his house arrest sentencing he received as a kid after being caught in a massive hacking scandal, but he has to get the approval of his parole officer. *A developing screenplay that I decided to expand into an almost novelization which would include, character interviews and profiles, the goal of which to flush out the story as much a possible [with in reason, ideally] and try to assess the appropriate range of: Comedy, drama and intrigue and action. Main Inspirations for this story: The Guild [2007], The Online Gamer [2009], Mortal Kombat [game, 1992], Street Fight Series [1987], Super Smash Bros [1999] Most of the characters and environments have already been developed, now its just a matter of how well i can execute the story. *Cover image is from Generic Fight Game, author unknown