Angies POV
I walked into school with my best friends Jennie and Mia like we always do on a Monday at St. Marys Elementary. i smelled the amazing aroma of oatmeal and cookies that is for breakfast. Some random kid i think his name is Louis ran in screaming CARROTS! and his friend Liam i think came running after him LOUIS YOUR GONNA TRIP DON'T RUN! Then another kid Harry i think came in flirting with the 2 graders SECOND GRADERS talk about old! Jennie did you see that kid flirting with the second years? Hahaha yeah their old! Yeah Mia agreed We walked into Mrs. M`s class and sat down at our tables and there was a note right in front of Mia`s name tag
hi Mia!. my name is niall do you wanna be friends? check yes or no [ ] or yes [ ]