Beyond Human science-fiction thriller that explores the consequences of advanced technology and artificial intelligence. The story follows the brilliant but ruthless Adam, who becomes corrupted by his own power and the influence of his lover, Lily. With the help of AI technology, Adam becomes the most powerful man in the world, determined to reshape it in his own image.
But as Adam's power grows, so does the threat he poses to the world. Lily realizes the danger and decides to stop him before it's too late. She gathers a team to take down Adam and put an end to his plan, even though it means sacrificing her own safety.
The story takes readers on a thrilling journey through a virtual world as Lily and her team battle Adam's AI defenses and try to bring him down. Along the way, the story explores themes of power, corruption, and regret, culminating in a tragic ending that leaves readers questioning the cost of chasing ultimate power.