{This is a prequel, but can be read as a stand-alone. It also has very little to do with the Harry Potter storyline. It's also a short story.}
In one universe, a girl gave up her existence to give the world a chance.
A chance to survive.
Only certain, special people remember the sacrifice this girl made, and only one man remembers her life up to her sacrifice. And he refuses for her to live the rest of time alone.
Catalina Iris Celus was born a normal half blood witch, to a single father who had no recollection of what her mother even looked like. The world is even looking up as the death of Harry Potter concludes in the death of Voldemort.
But things take a turn for the worse when Voldemort returns during Catalina's first year at Hogwarts, and due to the stolen Philosopher's stone, with newly gained immortality.
Catalina fears for the worst, her only hope being the secret revealed due to a blood test at Gringotts.
But soon, only one thing holds her back from giving everything up.
It's too bad he wasn't enough.