This story follows the journey of a girl and a boy who were childhood best friends, only to be separated by fate. However, what if the boy, Alexander Hillston, developed a profound obsession with the best friend he lost contact with? Will he pursue her to the ends of the earth, or will he choose to imprison her in his world?
"Don't be sad, okay? You're not ugly, and I'm here so you won't be lonely," I said, trying my best to comfort him. He suddenly took both of my hands and looked at me with a bright smile.
"Really? You're never going to leave me, right? So I won't ever be lonely again! You promise, right? Right?" he said cheerfully. His sweet smile made me nod in response.
"And don't worry. I won't break this promise like Mom always does. I... will never let it happen," he said, his smile growing even sweeter.
I tilted my head in confusion, blinking a few times.
(Apologies in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
Millie Ripley has only ever known one player next door. Luke Dawson. But with only a couple months left before he graduates and a blackmailer on the loose, will their love story stand the test of time? And will they both need to grow up to face the truth?