(Based off the manga) Blue, Red, Green, and Vio are staying an Inn in Kakariko village during a side quest. Everything seems normal about the Inn, except the Innkeepers adopted daughter, Anna Maria, who comes from a different world. It seems Shadow Link also has a strange obsession with this girl as well...
Will the four Links be able to keep her safe from the villain?
“If you don’t mind me asking…” Red murmured, “How did you get here?”
Anna Maria frowned sadly, “I don’t know. I was out with my dad on a nature walk when suddenly, these creatures jumped out a me and…” Anna Maria couldn’t stop the tears from pooling in her eyes, “and they hurt my father. They hurt him real bad. Then they grabbed me, yelled some words, and I found myself at the steps of this Inn. The Innkeeper and his wife took me in out of sympathy.”