Prologue: Since her young age, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong "Becky" has been doing her best in achieving the highest grades by performing well in her studies. She then graduated from Oxford University with flying colors all because of her hard work. Since she was a child, she has been interested in fashion and wanted to pursue a career related to it. During the course of her teenage life, she has been motivated and inspired by a very famous fashion company that produces one of the most famous magazines around the world named "Glam Cham Magazine". The fashion company is owned by one of the greatest fashion icon in Thailand and a former beauty queen Ms. Nuntawan Chankimha. Ms. Nun is Becky's greatest idol, she promised herself that she will do her best so that she will be able to enter her company. After applying for the company, Becky was surprised to know that Ms. Nun is planning to retire and the company will now be handled by Ms. Nun's only daughter Sarocha "Freen" Chankimha. A person whom she has never met before or even knows anything about. Author's Note: This is my own version of GAP the Series. I hope you'll enjoy.All Rights Reserved