Plot: (Based on Wii game Epic Mickey.) Penny arrives home late at night to fury of her mother and the indifference of her father. As it turns out, she has been hanging out with Kareem, ignoring the tasks Trudy is giving her and arriving late to her class. She refuses to spill out any details to her friends, but Kareem has been posting images of their date on his social media page. Penny, having forgotten a family reports, decides to copy Dijonay's and this earns her a place in detention. At the ice cream diner where Penny and Kareem are sipping milkshakes, Zoey resigns in disgrace thanks to Wizard Kelly. Kareem wants to go home out of respect for his parents, but Penny coaxes him into staying. Even so, Kareem and Penny head home, but not before Wizard Kelly gives Penny a bill for the milkshakes. At her house, Penny finds out that Oscar and Trudy changed the locks and even Bebe and Cece are refusing to let her in. Penny was locked out as punishment for outright defiance. Oscar, however, is fortunate enough to give Penny some money, instructing her to go over to Suga Mama's house. Then, Penny was chosen seven demons in Christianity history known as The Seven Deadly Enemies of Man; Lust, Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, and Envy, who gave Penny a magical staff that contains the powers of SHAZAM; The Wisdom of Solomon, The Strength of Hercules, The Stamina of Atlas, The Power of Zeus, The Courage of Achilles, and The Speed of Mercury. Then, Penny stumbled upon a mirror, taking her to a workshop of Yen Sid, who created a world of the forgotten toons by his Magic Brush of Paint and Thinner. As Yen Sid turned himself in his chambers, Penny made he biggest mistake of her life as she created The Blot as she tried to reverse her mistake on the adventure in Wasteland.