Description: "Whispers of Immortal Love" is a captivating tale that unfolds in two enchanting kingdoms-the Arab kingdom and the Korean kingdom. At the heart of the story are two individuals, Ali and Kim Young, whose destinies intertwine from a young age. As they grow older, a profound connection blossoms between them, one that transcends societal norms and expectations.
"Whispers of Immortal Love" weaves a tapestry of emotions, exploring themes of love, sacrifice, and the indomitable nature of the human spirit. As the story unfolds, readers will be captivated by the depth of Ali and Kim Young's connection and the resilience they display in the face of adversity.
Ultimately, the novel poses questions about the power of love, the boundaries of mortality, and the eternal nature of the human soul. Through its rich storytelling and vivid characters, "Whispers of Immortal Love" invites readers on an unforgettable journey, where love knows no limits and the bonds between souls transcend time itself.
Main Characters: Ali : Bottom, kim young : Top
Secondary Character: King Abu Ali
Sub-Characters: The angel, Abu Ali advisor, Kim Young advisor, Ali's guard (close friend), The Kind Witch, Abu Ali's guards
Questions: If Ali had not known Kim Young from the beginning, would they have still fallen in love if their paths crossed later in life?
What if King Abu Ali's bodyguards had taken a different path, allowing Ali and Kim Young to escape without interference? How would their lives have unfolded differently, and what kind of future would they have created together?
Disclaimer: Fictional Yaoi Drama⚠️
This work is a fictional Yaoi drama, exploring romantic themes between male characters. All characters, events, and relationships depicted are products of imagination. Any resemblance to real individuals or events is coincidental. Reader discretion is advised regarding explicit content. This novel aims to entertain and engage the imagination while emphasizing its fictiona