A short book, that tells a story of a toxic family and friends, divorce isn't easy, and most people think of it between a man and woman. But you can divorce your family and friends, it's hard, but it can be done, divorcing a toxic family it's not only smart but healthy, who wants to be the pawn in a narcissistic mother and sisters' game, or a brother or fake friends, that were never really friends in the first place. Better yet in laws, in laws that were toxic from beginning, and slowly showed their true colors. backstabbers, phony condolences, pretending to be concerned. People that make everything about them, and make you the scapegoat, the poison pen writers, and the bloggers that put themselves first above family, in situations that they bring on themselves, they never listen to you, but they will listen to fake advice, family that puts others on pedestals that don't deserve it. A mother so toxic and abusive, you couldn't wait to leave home, then you get the blame for not being there. All these examples of why you can divorce your kids, family friends, and in-laws.
Relationships can have different effects on different people. Whether it's a parent-child one or between two lovers, everyone needs some love in their life.
Thrown out, toxic, break-ups, lead to them choosing to either love again...or forever hate.
From broken hearts to losing a sense of self, the teens and their family have to find a way to mend the broken.
To choose love over hate and giving up...takes more power from within then anything else.
*Trigger content warning, toxic relationship and other content hinted at*