Title : Enemy Summary: “This is some kind of joke,right?” I looked at the older man with a skeptical expression not believing this story for one minute. He wasn’t fazed by my outburst in the slightest his companion didn’t really see much of me as prospect for a new member anyway can’t say I thought much of him either. “ It’s not a laughing matter Amala. We have a common goal here which requires us to gather new members. You fit the bill.” Kazuki stated holding out his hand for me to shake I could only stare at him still unsure about this offer, and there were answers that I need before agreeing to anything. “Enemy is the name of this group. Is that just a statement you guys like to make or is this a new way to stand out as villains.” I crossed my arms over chest earning a laugh for the other two members that accompanied them, and at least a few of them had sense of humour beside the other. “I don’t see why we need her to join Wakahisa.” Walking over to stand beside him giving a gaze with a passive expression which had a glare etched on my features instantly, and I could stand this nutbag from the first moment I met him. Tomas didn’t give a glance in my way though I wouldn’t let him rile up my nerves this wasn’t about what he gave two shits about when it concerned my abilities. “How can she possibly endured tasks shes not prepared for?” “Not the time or place Tomas, Amala our organization goes through other jobs that are superiors can’t handle we our made out to us. The public see us as the enemy though it’s not the truth people see it to be.” “Thy enemy of thy enemy is actually a friend in disguise. Clever.” I smirked outstretching hand this would lead me to finding out about Gabriel’s disappearance though want joining Enemy couldn’t prepare for was the truth. It was the start of a reckoning that began during the found of this group, and dangerous secrets would rise to the surface. “It looks like I’m in.”All Rights Reserved
1 part