Sasha, a young adult of 19 years of age, embarked upon a perilous journey fraught with unconventional and unforeseeable events that would alter the course of her life. Grown as an orphan, she had formed a tight-knit, to be more descriptive- afamily- like bond with her 5 close friends, including Jake, Jacob, Ruby, Melody, and her sister Sally, who she she refers to as Sal, with whom she shared an an apartment with.
This narrative delves into the trials and misery of the roller coaster of emotions that Sasha has faced, including pain, friendship, fear, grief, and loneliness, as she navigated through these challenges alongside her trusted companions. She Although the bond between them may have been the same for all- the question remains: "Is it not?"
Albeit, the journey was not without its difficulties, the strength of Sasha's bond with her friends would be tested in ways she could never have imagined..
Also some keys to understand the story:
* -flashback
** -present
Note: my first story, hence be patient..