In the dystopian world of "Shadows of Rebellion," a group of five individuals wield absolute power, ruling over a city draped in oppression and fear. Television screens and wires pervade every corner, broadcasting propaganda to control the minds of the citizens. In this bleak landscape, low-class individuals are forced to live in cramped apartments, while a select few are chosen as soldiers, perpetuating the regime's iron grip. Amidst this desolation, a rebellion silently thrives, working in the shadows to observe, assist, and resist. Their clandestine actions offer a glimmer of hope, helping those in need and collaborating with external forces. As the boundaries between loyalty, deception, and sacrifice blur, the fate of the city hangs in the balance. "Shadows of Rebellion" explores the fight against an oppressive regime, the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of unity in the face of overwhelming darkness.
Y/N is one of the few to survive Addwaitya's mass genocide against the people of Ledgerdomain, with the help of his parents he fled to Earth to escape the mad tyrants wrath but his parents weren't so lucky.
One day Y/N's life would change after he discovered a powerful device called the "Ultimatrix", maybe one day he will grow powerful enough to retake his home world from the evil Addwaitya.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the art used in this book and all rights go to the owners!