Hello, this is my bethyl story, it will take place during the season 5 mid season finale, where beth doesn't die. In this story I will swap the perspectives between beth and daryl. I hope you like it :) x
The last thing Keeley Salazar could remember was her parents arguing in the car before they crashed. Now three years have passed and a lot has changed. She's no longer seventeen, but now on the verge of turning twenty years old. Oh, and one more thing, the dead don't apparently stay dead. Instead, they take three gunshots to the chest and eat people, great. She wakes up in an abandoned hospital with no one in sight. As Keeley explores the hospital she meets a man who also woke up from a coma. His name is Rick Grimes, together they try to find their family and get answers to what happened to the place they once called home.
Season 1-3