Due to a traumatic and soul-wrenching lifetime with Wei Ying during World War One and Two, Lan Zhan decides not to reincarnate with his memories of previous lifetimes. Unable to fight and save his beloved in a death camp, he is emotionally and spiritually exhausted and decides to accept forgetfulness
Weiying, on the other hand, chooses to remember right at the start of this new life and has not been able to find his love, even with the help of an equally desperate Lan XiChen.
Then, one night in a theater, he finds himself looking into a pair of beloved golden eyes...kind, friendly but utterly devoid of recognition.
Does Wei Ying decide to back off, or accept a relationship with Lan Zhan as a complete stranger in order to allow his love space to heal? Should he plunge headlong into bringing memories to the surface?
Or should he just leave Karma alone and let the expert bring it to Her own conclusion?
Wei Ying, along with the Jiang clan have been invited to cloud recesses for lessons, where the young Wei meets Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying was mistreated by his clan,that is until his new founded soulmate finds out about it and saves him,but after all of that was solved, feelings started to rise.
Will they be able to tell each other how they feel?
And with new problems arriving, will they be able to stay by each other's side?