The mystery of silverhills "buy a house, they said, get a job, they said, it will fix all your problems, they said, well guess what? I ID ALL THAT AND THEY DID NOT DO THAT FOR ME!" yelled C-4 at the void, a tired, Traumatized and over traumatised Teenager that deals with it step by step because he is "forced" to heal for/by his friends finds himself in the rabbit hole of internet from search to search until, somehow, he finds himself in the dark web, buying himself a cheap house terrain and Soliciting a part-time job in the nearest gas-station. safe to say be might have thought it twice to do such things, because living in a Mansion is great, until said mansion is one of many buildings on a most-of-the-times-foggy Ghost town were there are more abandoned houses and urban Stories than people! worts of all, His job as a Cashier in the nearest gas-station is as desolated and creepy as the town be buyd a house in! will he stay in the creepy old mansion and give it some love, working The nightshifts in a equally creppy and old gastation or will the fear win him over? or:the tale to give reason as to wich why you don't (or maybe do, idk, you do you) Buy a fancy house in the Dark web for less than a dollar in a shady town.All Rights Reserved
1 part