In a world plagued by darkness and vampires, Zenitsu Agatsuma, a courageous vampire hunter with a sense of humor, crosses paths with Nezuko Kamado, a survivor burdened by tragedy. Nezuko, turned into a half-vampire, seeks a cure held by the vampire king. Tanjiro, her brother, dedicates himself to hunting vampires to save her.
Zenitsu, initially fearful, discovers hidden strength but remains unaware of his heroic feats. Nezuko finds solace in Zenitsu's presence, and they form a deep connection. However, Nezuko's half-vampiric nature poses a constant threat. Tanjiro protects her from her insatiable hunger for blood, risking her transformation.
The trio faces numerous trials, strengthening their bond. Zenitsu's hidden power emerges during critical moments, fueled by his love for Nezuko. Nezuko discovers her own strength, drawing power from the love she shares with Zenitsu and Tanjiro.
In the final confrontation with the vampire king, they fight with unwavering determination, guided by Nezuko's presence as a symbol of hope. They overcome insurmountable odds, securing the cure and banishing the darkness that plagued their lives.
Zenitsu and Nezuko, having survived their journey, find solace in each other's arms. Their love flourishes, accompanied by Tanjiro's unwavering support. Their story exemplifies love, courage, and sacrifice.
Their triumph marks the beginning of a new era, as peace and light envelop their world. Their future is filled with hope as they embrace a love that has conquered even the darkest nights.
not allowed; banned
I'm scared that loving you will end up hurting us, so please don't make me regret saying that I loved you.
[warning] this story contains swearing, violence (blood, murder, etc.), and much more mature content. Please read at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you :)
[disclaimer] I do not own any characters mention in this story as all rights belong to Koyoharu Gotouge as well as all arts that aren't mine. My art will always have my watermark on it.