Yui Yumekawa is a sixth grader in Avocado Academy, who daydreams a lot and wishes to become an idol. Her school bans PriPara from students. However, the students aren't even interested in it. They never even heard of PriPara before! Yui discovers that a new PriPara is opening here in Paparajuku and bumps into Laala Manaka, a Kami Idol from SoLaMi♡SMILE, who was sent here to promote PriPara. However, Yui doesn't believe her because of a system error. Now, with their desires and love for PiPara, they stick together to promote PriPara. If they fail to increase the number of PriPara visitors, Paparajuku's first PriPara will shut down and Laala's title and job as Kami Idol will be taken away. With this difficult task, they will need a LOT of help from some familiar people and some new allies! And maybe stumble on a path of love! ⊱ ── ✭・゚✧・─ ⊱ ─── ·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚☆♬○♩☾♪✧♩ *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙─── ⊰ ・✧・゚✭ ── ⊰ I DO NOT OWN THE ANIME!!!!!!! THIS IS A FANFIC OF THE ANIME, IDOL TIME PRIPARA!!!! THE CREDIT GOES TO THE ANIME!!!! This fanfic combines the English subtitles from Gogoanime, which has the ORIGINAL English translations, and other websites with slightly different English subtitles.All Rights Reserved