My take on the origin story of Natalia Romanova, later known as Natasha Romanov, the infamous Black Widow. This story is based on how I would imagine Natasha's upbringing within the red room, with a few twists. With it mainly focused on my original ideas, this will not coincide with marvel's ideas for the character. One major change is that Nat possesses a photographic like memory, making her a child prodigy of sorts. With the inclusion of her good memory, Natalia/Natasha's main strengths will be her agility, intelligence, speed, and cunning in the Red Room and S.H.I.E.L.D (if I ever make a sequel). Also, she is younger in this series than in the MCU, and comics. Lastly, some original characters are prone to pop into the narrative but will not take center stage, except for one named Sophia, called Sofie who is Nat's best friend and confidant. Okay bye and enjoy.