"Chars! Why are we even going here! We're getting ourselves in danger!" Pearl said
"Pearl- Stop it, You're being like Mom" I said and realized what I said "So what!? I wish you were never my sister" Pearl said, That hit me..
Tears fell from my eyes as I tried to keep focus on the road, "Chars! CHARS WATCH OUT!" Jen said, There was a truck, I moved straight to the grass, The door fell loose and we both fell out of the car
We woke up at a strange place
Charlotte Hajiaskari and Pearl Beckington, 2 Siblings born from the hands of famous YouTuber Chester beckington and his husband Parker Hajiaskari,
Meanwhile Jennifer McArthur and Amaya Kroma, Born from the hands of Adam McArthur and his husband Justin Kroma, Their non-relative Cousins, They both collabed to continue on their parents YouTube channels, "Lankybox" And "Life of Luxury"
The 4 continued on their parents channel since the age of 12, They both are 24 now, They were going to a client's house,
Little did they know, They weren't going back, And they were going to find some rare history
Life Of Luxury, Su!c!de mention, Lankybox, Adstin, Parkster, My OC And my crushes OC Is in this book