In the heartwarming story of "Love Blossoms in the Childhood Apartment," we embark on a journey back to a time when innocence and friendship laid the foundation for an unforgettable first love. Set in a cozy apartment complex, this tale revolves around two young souls who find solace, joy, and blossoming emotions in the simplicity of their shared surroundings.
Our protagonists, Sumanth and Greeshma, are childhood friends who have lived side by side in the same apartment complex since they were toddlers. Their bond grew stronger with each passing year, as they explored the world together, played hide-and-seek in the hallways, and shared countless laughter-filled moments on the apartment's rooftop.
In a cozy apartment complex nestled in a vibrant neighborhood, lived a girl named greeshma and a boy named sumanth. greeshma was known for her enchanting beauty and exceptional academic prowess, while sumanth captivated others with his tall and handsome appearance, as well as his remarkable taekwondo skills.
Greeshma, with her captivating smile and twinkling eyes, exudes an infectious sense of warmth and kindness. Her gentle nature draws people towards her, and she possesses an unwavering curiosity about the world. Sumanth, on the other hand, is a mischievous yet endearing boy, with an adventurous spirit and an infectious enthusiasm for life. His boundless energy and playful nature light up the hallways of their apartment complex.
In the beginning of my youth. I gave away my heart to you.
I always knew this love for you was just an hopeless wish.
It was impossible for us.
But I still couldn't stop this heart from beating wildly for you.
In fact what I like is not you but your most beautiful moment engraved deeply in my heart.
Whether you like it or not. I will always continue to guard that most cherished moment between us.
Just let this liking of mine for you accompany me for the lonely second half of my life.
I just like you.
[Keywords] 1, This is a mutual but unrequited short love article. 2, This is Not Yuri.3, There is no definite male lead. 4, This is Not harem. 5, Intention is to not give up your life even if you encounter set back in love life. 6, This is a inspirational unrequited youth love article. 7, Life is precious don't waste it on that name of love that is not mutual. 8, This is a true love essay done after omitting and adding something.