She believed that surrendering to an alpha would stain her with shame. And alas, her intuition proved true.
Haseena Mallik, a formidable and influential corporate manager, had deemed the notion of being possessed by an alpha as inconceivable. The mere thought of being dominated in such a degrading manner was repugnant to her core.
However, fate had different plans when her body succumbed to a primal heat, and Anubhav Singh caught a tantalizing whiff of her irresistible scent.
In that moment, the power was no longer within her grasp. It wasn't solely because an alpha of his stature possessed the rightful authority to expose her vulnerability, inflict punishment upon her for her defiance, and revel in the consumption of her flawless form, indulging in every desire.
It wasn't the stringent laws dictating her obedience that forced her to beseech for each climax, as he relentlessly and savagely ravished her, time and time again.
No, it was the very essence of nature itself, an undeniable force that demanded their union, where instincts and primal desires intertwined in a symphony of unbridled passion.