In a school ruled by F4, a dominant group consisting of Jungwon, Heeseung, Jay, and Niki, students live in constant fear of receiving a red card. Y/n, a hardworking and impoverished student, becomes a victim of their bullying when she unknowingly earns a red card. As the school turns against her, Y/n finds herself cornered in an abandoned stadium, facing F4 and their arrogant leader, Jungwon. Against all odds, Y/n bravely stands up for herself, sparking a transformation that will forever alter her life.
Based on F4 Thailand 🇹🇭
Jay hates her and Jieun hates him back. The constant brawling between the rich troublemaker and the student council's President is already a mundane thing for every student and even the professors in the school.
But like the saying 'everything happens for a reason' the two of them met for a reason.
#3 in #enhypenjay
#2 in #enhypenniki