In the quaint town of Hikarimachi, there lives a mysterious figure residing within the walls of a previously abandoned mansion, rarely glimpsed by the curious eyes of the townspeople. Little do they know, this man harbors two closely guarded secrets: firstly, he is a creature of the night, a vampire lurking in the shadows; and secondly, his insatiable appetite for hobbies knows no bounds, as he obsessively delves into realms as diverse as knitting, writing, blacksmithing, and even the immersive world of gaming! Embark on a tranquil journey through the pages of this story, where the delicate balance between the ordinary and the extraordinary is delicately woven. In this relaxing, slice-of-life light novel, where the pace slows, and the worries of the world fade away, follow Yumetsuki as he navigates the fine line between his supernatural existence and the allure of a simple, yet meaningful life in his passionate pursuit of his many peculiar hobbies and the clandestine art of living in plain sight.