I looked up and noticed him. Wearing dark jeans with a white shirt on top he stood against the wall. I moved myself to the other side of the room, but kept my eyes on him to make sure he didn’t move. I got against the wall and just looked at him. Then I noticed him turning his head my way I looked away before he could notice me staring at him. His head stayed turned in my direction so I figured he was looking at something and so I could sneak a glance. I looked up and our eyes met as he was staring at me. I studied his face. His brown hair falls slightly in his eyes and he takes a hand and swoops it out if his eyes. He is looking at me not breaking our stare. The only thing running through my head is that I want him closer to me. I want to talk to him. I want to get to know him. I want to kiss him. I really want him to walk this way.