The poignant tale of a young maiden, her future shrouded in uncertainty, unfolds with the passage of time. A narrative that evokes the capricious nature of life, where one moment everything may appear familiar, but the very next day, the world around us transforms beyond recognition. This is a tale that will elicit a gamut of emotions, from mirth to indignation, tears to joy. Do not hesitate to immerse yourself in this gripping account; rest assured, you shall not be left wanting.
A tale of two sorrowful souls who crossed paths due to a trivial coincidence.
His eyes will forever ravish her, his lips will leave eternal marks and one word will haunt her until she dies.
She has learnt to be quiet and sweet. He has learnt to dominate and kill. She is trying to find herself from the depths of distray. He is planning to destroy what is needed for power. Falling in love will be too dangerous, too alluring. And in the end it will hurt.
Breathing should be effortless, loving should be painless. What does a girl who has learned neither? When you find home in the arms of a killer, to whom you cannot tell your secrets, without risking yourself. And why would you risk anything for a man who believes bullets can fix a broken heart.