So I will stick a massive disclaimer to this now: MOST UNEXPLAINED THEMES, PEOPLE AND IDEAS OF ANY SORT ARE NOT MINE. I do have full permission to use them but they are not mine. Later on, the story line will become my own ideas but it kicks off, dipping on and out of ideas from various works of Jolly fiction. Hence why when people start to think this is a massive swing from the way I usually write, that the story concepts are sometimes more violent or darker than I would normally write then yes, they are right. I would normally be writing about unicorns or horses or magic or something. This is a story that I have no say in the base themes of and so it may well seem out of the ordinary for me - because in short it is -it is written to fit in with other stories, hence the themes. . So unless you are very well acquainted the whole lot of Jolly fiction I will save you a whole load of questions, IT WILL NOT MAKE SENSE. Anyway. To my two regular readers, happy reading! .