"Princesīt," viņš pienāca man tuvāk. Sasodītais viņš un sasodītā iesauka.
"Nesauc mani tā."
Trevors nopūtās, paskatījās uz griestiem un atpakaļ uz mani. "Es neatnācu strīdēties, Eli," viņš centās izklausīties maigi, bet es jutu nelielas dusmas.
"Tad tevi šeit neviens netur."
Patiešām nezināju, ko es saku. Savu mēli nevaru apturēt.
"Mēs varam vienkārši parunāt?" viņš vaicāja, pieliekot vēl soli man klāt.
"Kā ar Monu?"
"Aizmirsīsim par viņu šoreiz," pienākot man klāt tik tuvu, ka sajutu viņa siltumu, lika man sajust patīkamos drebuļus, kurus sen nebiju sajutusi. "Ko tu man nodari, princesīt?" viņš čukstēja it kā vairāk sev, skatoties man dziļi acīs.
Millie Foxwille thought her family was secret free. That is, until her sixteenth birthday, when she receives a family heirloom, as a gift, that has been passed down generation by generation - a ring. A ring that once belonged to her mother. A ring that has the ability to bring you back in time, without the ability to alter it, to show you how things were back then. As Millie travels back in time, she discovers an enemy her mother left behind in the past, who is trying to get back to the present, to get revenge. Will Millie figure out who it is and how he's related to her mother? Does Millie have it in her to stop him? Will she succeed?