In the mystical realm of "MY MAGICAL CAT," a Cat prince jimin ventures to human land, In search of the mother he lost, a tale woven with love and suspense.
For twenty-one years, he yearned for her tender embrace, But in the human world, he found only despair and disgrace.
Fearful of their ways, his heart grew cold, Until Yn stepped in, her compassion untold.
With her gentle touch and loving soul, She shattered his fears and made him whole.
In "MY MAGICAL CAT," a bond transcends, Unveiling the beauty of love.
In the magical kingdom of Lumina, Prince Jimin hails from a lineage of skilled light manipulators, yet he struggles with his abilities, often fainting while casting spells. As darkness threatens the kingdom's borders, a prophecy emerges regarding Jimin's destiny. Despite this, his father holds a concealed dark truth about unlocking Jimin's true potential, yet refuses to reveal it. Now, Jimin faces a pivotal decision as he grapples with his abilities and the looming darkness encroaching upon his homeland.