The aftermath of the devastating disease changes everything for Jack Kilo, a 14-year-old boy from New York. One moment, he is discussing the news of the disease with his brother, Will England; the next, watching with horror as giant men-like robots destroy his home town. He knows these 'Protectors', as they're called, came from Dallas but he can't prove it to his brother - at least not without some evidence. The boy knows that his calm life is over. He acquires some knowledge and is reborn as the hero who will save the world from Protectors, with the help of his brother Will and the rest of the remaining human race. However, the end of the world approaches, and time is running out for Jack. He is left with two options: stop the Protectors in one hour, or allow the world to end in a ball of fire. **ALL GRAPHICS ARE CREATED AND PUBLISHED BY @denasia_fl UNLESS MENTIONED OTHERWISE**All Rights Reserved
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