In a world plagued by demons, Tanjiro Kamado, a kind-hearted Demon Slayer, found himself facing an unexpected and dreadful fate. Inflicted with a malevolent curse, he struggled to resist the insatiable hunger and the growing darkness within him. The bonds of friendship were tested, secrets were unveiled, and the weight of their pasts haunted their every move. Tanjiro's journey led him down a path of sacrifice and uncertainty, while his friends, plagued by their own fears and desires, fought to save him from the darkness that threatened to consume him. Amidst the battles, the tears, and the unyielding determination, the question remained: would Tanjiro find redemption and a way to break free from the curse that threatened to tear their world apart?
Amidst a violent snow storm up in the mountains, two demons were sent out to extinguish the last living relations to the sun breathers. The Kamados.
"Oi stop messing around you woman obsessed freak!"
"Come on don't be so up tight!"
"Huh... what's this?"
A small child appeared from behind a snow covered bush, a small note tied to his neck as his bright red eyes stared at them inquisitively.
"Tanjiro Kamado... you don't say"
"You are to infiltrate the demon slayer corps and gain their trust Tanjiro. I'll always be with you, don't forget that" the demon king stated, his tone surprisingly soft.
"Yes father"