The story of "World of Disney" returns in this musical reboot of the series that began in 2010! A new threat has fallen upon the Disneyverse, removing the source of its magic. Now, all the worlds are in flux - some imploding, others changing entirely, and a few missing its inhabitants. It's all become too much for Joanie Navarro-Thomas (the Guardian of the Disneyverse) and Mickey Mouse (the Sorcerer's Apprentice) to handle. Thankfully, there's hope in the form of Rania (the Sixth Tinkerer of Gallifrey) and her 10-year-old companion, Craig Williams! Together, along with a peculiar entity named Riff and Neas (the Gladiator of Gallifrey and Rania's missing child), they will stand against the evil that threatens the Disneyverse and ensure everyone finds their "Happily Ever After."