AUTHOR: Scheillambr
TITLE: The Coming of the Queen!
RATING: N/C 17 or Mature for language and vampire sex (explicit).
FANDOM: Queen of the damned, Blade II
PAIRING: Angel /Chupa
SUMMARY: Chupa meets a human and he's drawn to her, her love for him is beyond mortal love, the fight of feelings takes place, but nothing in the vampire or human nation could take them apart.
DISCLAIMER: Chupa and Blade belong to New Line Pictures, and Lestat, Jessie, Pandora, Armand, Akasha, Marius, Maharet, David Talbot, Kayman and Mael originally belong to Anne Rice, the rest of the characters are mine! Lyrics introduced into the story belong to Evanescence. No gain, financial or otherwise, will be gained by this story. It is only for my own entertainment and that of others.
WARNING: Portuguese native, not English.
FEEDBACK: Yes of course, send it to