Catalina Garcia and her father, Marcos Garcia are a family of little-to-no money, it's always been this way. From the moment they lived in a poverty driven, little town, in Spain. To the moment they moved and thought America would give them better opportunities. Her mother died from a Spanish virus when she was only eight, it was tougher and difficult times for herself and her father, but they prevailed and never gave up.
But, just round the corner and a possible old fling, was an important and dangerous business man, Ares Elijah Miller. He was feared and respected by many, but his wife. They were perfect for each other... until a unfortunate incident happened one night. She died. She died on a hospital bed, mere moments after giving birth to their first child, a baby girl, Amelia Sophia Miller. Sophia was the light of his life. Many said once she passed he had changed...