This book takes place in the kingdom of Kospolgina, a kingdom that's only magical when it needs to be, and one of those situations is now. King Fabricio has been infected by a mysterious substance known as the black tar that turns victims into monsters before killing them, and it's up to Prince Felipe to find the Seven Souls, a group of sorcerers who have been continuously reincarnated for over 1,000 years. As it happens, they're all teenagers living in the same town: Bruce, the snobby know-it-all from a more humble background; Wally, the twelve-year-old who is ever the optimist; Marigold, the new kid with a tough exterior; Gabe, Wally's brainiac stepbrother who doesn't care about grades anymore; Amber, the rich, popular girl whom everyone wants to be; Julius, Amber's level headed best friend/boyfriend; and Jeanelle, the teacher's pet with a secret hobby. It's going to be up to the seven of them to save Kospolgina, but there's one twist: the only way to stop the black tar from spreading is to kill the king...
Kazuki Hiroyuki, a 16 year old boy raised by his mother secluded from everything else, arrives in a nearby kingdom in hopes to following his father's footsteps in becoming a Royal Knight. His motivation will be tested and pushed even more when he discovers more dark secrets about this kingdom and realizes that with the help of his allies, he has to protect and change the Kingdom forever...
As you read the story, envision it as an anime :) follow along and read the dialogue and try to get used and familiar with the main cast. Most importantly, have fun while reading my REMAKE of my original story "FABLE"!!!