The story revolves around a group of five friends who embark on a jungle trip. Upon entering the jungle, Karan suggests that they split up for some adventure, but everyone agrees to stick together. However, they start hearing strange noises when Mahi arrives. Only Priya trusts Mahi, as she had previously saved Akash from a dangerous situation in the jungle, and the friends are grieving the loss of Zainab. Karan becomes suspicious of Mahi, as the strange noises persist since her arrival, resembling animal sounds.
Akash suggests that he will stay at Mahi's house for only two days and then return to his own home, which amuses Mahi. She thinks it will be enjoyable to spend time together. Eventually, Mahi leads everyone to a perilous cave, but Karan refuses to join them due to his doubts. Karan urges the friends to stop and expresses his unease, but Mahi insists that everything is fine. Confused, the others don't know what to do, and they proceed without Karan.
Suddenly, a malevolent entity appears and attacks Mahi. In response, Mahi shuts the door, trapping the entity inside the cave. The entity proceeds to kill all the friends, except for Akash and Karan, who manage to survive.