In the mystical land of Veridiana, a realm beyond the boundaries of ordinary imagination, lies a hidden village called Luminaria. Nestled deep within the heart of an ancient forest, this village is home to a diverse group of enchanting beings, each possessing their own unique and wondrous magical abilities.
At the heart of Luminaria stands a magnificent tree named Lumina, its towering branches reaching towards the heavens as if in eternal reverence to the celestial forces. Lumina possesses a power that is known throughout the land-a power that can grant a single wish to any worthy individual who can prove their valor, virtue, and unwavering courage. However, Lumina's challenges are no simple tasks. They demand great strength of character and resilience.
Among the inhabitants of Luminaria resides a young and spirited fairy named Elysia. Her iridescent wings shimmer with the colors of a thousand rainbows, and her emerald eyes sparkle with unyielding determination. Elysia carries within her heart a burning desire to embark on daring adventures and bring prosperity and happiness to her beloved village.
But one fateful day, an unexpected darkness descends upon Veridiana. The once vibrant forest loses its vitality, withering away under the weight of an ominous and malevolent force. Stars vanish from the sky, leaving the inhabitants of Luminaria filled with dread and despair. Elysia, however, refuses to succumb to hopelessness.
Lavender is in love with Yuan, the perfect guy--kind, sweet, charming, and a musician like her. The problem? He's not real. He only exists in her dreams.
Lavender Laxamana can't sing or play the guitar in front of anyone anymore. She hides in her dreams where she can perform and play music to her heart's desire with Yuan. Lavender has already accepted that the man she loves is just a figment of her imagination, but when she crosses paths with Aki, a starting artist who goes by the name of Musikero and looks and sounds like Yuan, Lavender is hopeful they can finally be together in real life. But reality slaps her in the face when she finds out Aki is the exact opposite of Yuan, and he loathes her.
While Lavender struggles to find the connection between Yuan and Aki, can she finally find the courage to stop escaping from reality--no matter that Aki may be in love with another woman? And can she finally face the rhythm and beats of her heart and pursue her passion again? How far will she go--or not go--for her dreams?
DISCLAIMER: This story is written in Taglish.
COVER DESIGN: Regina Dionela