In a world of magic and enchantment, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Legolas Greenleaf embark on a quest to find powerful artifacts that could save the enchanted realms from Lord Voldemort's evil forces. Along the way, they face numerous challenges and betrayals, but they also develop a strong bond of loyalty, love, and commitment to the greater good.
With the power of the artifacts in their hands, the group sets out to stop Voldemort and his army of darkness. They wage a fierce battle, fighting for the enchantment realms' freedom and their lives. But even in victory, they face difficult choices and sacrifices that will forever change them.
In the end, the group faces the hardest challenge of all- enduring the aftermath of the war and finding their places in a changed world. But with their bond stronger than ever, they step into a new era full of hope and endless possibilities.
The novel blends the worlds of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, providing a thrilling and emotional journey full of adventure, friendship, and action. It's the perfect read for fans of both series, seeking a new journey full of magic and wonder.
Ash Ketchum has finished the world championship, but that also means he's closer to be a pokemon master.
He already continue his adventure after his depart with Goh and Chloe, but he also already finished his other adventure.
Ash don't know what to do after beating the championship, but it looks like Delia able to step ahead and give Ash something to do: a School life.
The story will be having Ash in Pokemon Horizon, but i'll try to make Ash character better in this story
Also Ash and Liko are 10 years old cuz some people in discord sat i should add it in description.